Vegan At Times cookbook cover shows Jessica Seinfeld holding a garden hose, surrounded by fruits and vegetables in a kitchen

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Crispy Cream Waffles

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Crispy Cream Waffles

Active Time: 10 minutes   |   Total Time: 10 minutes   |   Serves 4

  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • ½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • Small pinch of kosher salt
  • Warm maple syrup and berries, for serving

Heat your waffle iron.

In a large bowl, combine the cream, flour, vanilla, and salt. Whisk until it is thick but doesn’t hold a peak.

Add some of the batter to the waffle iron. Close and cook until golden brown and crisp.

Serve warm with syrup and berries. Or top with preserves. Or sandwich ham and cheese between two waffles. Or topped with smoked salmon and crême fràiche. Or just eat plain.

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