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Asparagus Tempura

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Asparagus Tempura

Active Time: 20 minutes   |   Total Time: 20 minutes   |   Serves 4  |  Vegan

  • 1 pound asparagus
  • ½ cup rice flour
  • ½ cup all-purpose flour
  • ¼ teaspoon kosher salt
  • ¾ cup plus 1 tablespoon cold seltzer or sparkling water, plus more if necessary
  • Extra virgin olive oil or grapeseed oil for frying
  • Pinch flaky sea salt
  • Lemon wedges for serving

Snap the ends off the asparagus. Check to make sure the spears can lay flat a medium saucepan. If they are too long, snap off a little more.

Line a plate with paper towels.

In a medium bowl, whisk together the rice flour, all-purpose flour, and kosher salt. Whisk in the seltzer water until smooth. The batter should be the consistency of pancake batter. If it’s a little thick, add another tablespoon of water.

Heat about ¾-inch of the oil in the medium saucepan over medium heat until the oil is nice and hot. You can drop a little batter into the oil to check the temperature- if it sizzles immediately, it’s ready.

Add 5 or 6 asparagus spears to the batter and toss to coat them evenly. One at a time, add them to the hot oil in a single layer. Cook for about 2 minutes, until light golden brown.

Transfer to the prepared plate. Repeat with the remaining asparagus and batter (you may have to lower the heat if the oil starts to get too hot).

Sprinkle with the sea salt and serve with lemon wedges.

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